Chief minister Dr Pramod Sawant said that construction of a bridge across the mapusa river will greatly help in reducing the congestion of traffic and not create much congestion for the people using this bridge


Chief minister Dr Pramod Sawant said that the construction of a bridge across the mapusa river will help in reducing the traffic flow and not create much congestion for the people using this bridge and said that the bridge will be completed in the next four months

Sawant was speaking to reporters after inaugrating the works for the bridge across the river mapusa river at MDR -14 in the presence of Aldona MLA Glenn ticlo, Mapusa MLA Joshua dsouza Bastora sarpanch Ranjit Usgaonkar chairperson of Mapusa municipal council shubanghi vaigankar,Aldona ZP member Manisha Naik MMC councillor Prakash Bhivset GSIDC officials and others

chief minister said that the bridge will have to be completed befoe the onset of the monsoons in June because due to the rainfall a lot of problems will be created and expressed confidence that the bridge will be compelted with the time frame” said sawant

chief minnister also said that there is ample scope for the expansion of Mapusa city as it was congested and said that it will be possible only with the assistance and collaboration of other panchayats

speaking further chief minsiter also said that there is large scope of making the Mapusa tar river into a tourist hotspot and there is a need to undertake the desilting of the mapusa river

“there are plans by the government to do the developemnt of tar river to make it a toursit hotspot said sawant and added that the water resources department (WRD) and Captain of Ports (CoP) is ready to prepare a holistic plan for the beautification of the Mapusa-Tar river and expressed confidence that the project will be completed in the specified time frame

“this will be a good tourism project for all the Bardez people just like how we have developed the precints of the the valvanti river in Bicholim by making a walking track” said sawant

it is always our dream that we are committed to develop our natural resources and we are committed towards providing proper infrastructure and our government is committed towards protecting the environment and our government is plannig to further it so thats why on the sustainable environment index in goa we have reached to number three from number seven

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