the zonal agriculture office bardez goa had organised a one day block level workshop on coconut cultivation

the zonal agriculture office bardez goa had organised a one day block level workshop on coconut cultivation and value addition recently at dhuler farm under the coconut developemnt board kochi

the the programme was inaugratged by  Shoban ugvekar ADA and shrikant  mone Agirculture officer horticulture and Sampathi Dhargalkar ZAO bardez and  sonu shetgonakar

the dignataries farmers and other attendes were welcomed by Sampathi Dhargalkar  ZAO bardez and about 50 farmers attended the program
the technical sessions coducted during the workshop included package of practices of cocnut cultivation by ex programme co-ordinator  VIshram Gaonkar, demonstation on value addition in coconut i.e crafts items by  sonu shetgonakar  who is the propieter of coco arts Morjim GOa and an expertand entreprenuer for coconut value addition products. he demonstrated basic techniques in coco arts such as surface smoothering and cutting, departmental and CDB schemes were explained by assistant agricutlure officer  mrs Pallalvi shetye. a demonstration and on value addition in coconut making of virgin coconut oil and coconut barfi and also the explaination of the growing importance of virgin coconut oil was given by Geeta vellingkar SMS KVK south Margao goa. also as part of the technical session demostration by SHG assanoar village and making of brooms and mattreess were also given. the displayed item for sale incldued items such as brooms, handmade bags,coconut laddoos cocnnut barfi, dodol and coconut mila etc. also as part of the workshop a questrion and answer session on coocnut cultivation was conducted for faremrs by assitant agriculture officer mr Rahul Jondhale
dealers in agriculture machinery and inputs like jai kissan enterprises  sunidhi and Aditya trade links thivim attended the function and shocased their machinery inputs
an entrepreneur in business of Virgin coconut oi mr vaz from verna shocased his items such as pure virgin coconut oil and roasted virgin coconut oil. this drew attraction of evey visitor for virgin coconut oil.
Deejay Farms sanguem attended the programme with hybrid dwarf seedlings while a SHG  from assanora village led by SMT vishranti Vernekar had got delicacies prepared from coconut sale such as dodol, mila,ladoos and barfis,
the vote of thanks was proposed by block technology manager Prithviraj naik (ATMA)

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