The General Body of the Gaunkars of the Communidade De Moira was held at Communidade Hall, Moira Village, on Sunday 2nd January 2022 to elect a New Managing Committee for the year 2022 to 2025, in presence of Representative of Administrator of Communidades- North Goa. The following were unanimously elected to the New Managing Committee: 1. Mr Rui Da Gama -President 2. Mr Estilitio D’Sa – Substitute President 3. Mr Bosco D’Sa -Attorney 4. Mr Eusebio D’Sa, Substitute Attorney 5. Mr Joe Bras D’Souza -Treasurer 6. Mr Elroy Veloso – Substitute Treasurer. The General Body Meeting ended with the Gaunkars of Moira offering their full support to the New Managing Committee.