Mapusa police on Tuesday arrested one Mr. Yuvraj Rajesh Gujrati aged 19 years and resident of Verla Canca Bardez for theft of scooters



Staff of the Mapusa police after developing the information received through sources and after hectic and meticulous efforts recovered a Yamaha R-15 motorcycle one NTORQ scooter one hero splendor motorcycle and one Aprila scooter all without registration number from the instance of the Yuvraj Gujrati. all the vehicles were kept in the hilly area of cuunchelim Mapusa Bardez Goa and some spares of vehicles were also missing the accused was intercepted while he was handling the vehicles

Mr Yuvraj Gujrati is arrested in the Mapusa police station Crime no 110/2022 U/sec 379 of IPC and is presently remanded in police custody for a period of 2 days.

the investigation is in progress under the supervision of SDPO Mapusa and SP north shobit Saxena and shri Uday Parab.

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