Mapusa SDPO Jivba Dalvi along with PI Somnath Majik of Colvale Police Station conducted awareness program on cyber crime at Shantadurga Higher secondary school,Pirna…


Mapusa SDPO Jivba Dalvi along with PI Somnath Majik of Colvale Police Station conducted awareness program on cyber crime at Shantadurga Higher secondary school,Pirna…

inaugural speech by SDPO Mapuca Shri Jivba Dalvi who detailed about new trends of cybercrime and briefed them about cyber threats/activities viz Identity theft, credit card fraud, data stealing, cyber stalking, humiliation of girls, spreading pornography etc.

PI Cyber Shri Pravin Pawar briefed them misuse of mobile phones and made participants aware as to how cybercriminals carried out cybercrime through internet, social media platform, websites etc.
As cyber world spread very rapidly during last ten years. It is dominating every field like entertainment, business, sports and specify education. But as we know every boon has a curse and curse of it is “Cybercrime” which means illegal activities based on internet. Internet expel the society to words security risk. Criminals and hackers use the internet to commit many illegal activities like hacking, bank fraud, online shopping fraud, software piracy, viruses attack and many more. This type of activities conquer privacy of an individual and make him upset. These activities are on hike and becomes a latest and most byzantine problem for the world. Information storage with the use of computer and internet become very easy because it supports duplication and manipulation in easy way. So, maximum of information available on internet. Maximum computer and especially mobile phone always connected to internet, which provide a supportive environment to attacker to gain unauthorized access to it. So, a criminal can assess desirable information from a safe physical distance. Such type of offence done by using computer is called “cyber-crime
students ,teachers and staff actively participated in the campaign and questions related to cyber fraud and cyber women crimes were asked, in respect of which information was given by the cyber officers regarding their avoidance .
Jivba Dalvi further held interactive session with all students and teachers of school and replied to all queries .
PI Somnath Majik also spoke on the occasion .
Headmaster Shri Umesh Naik of Shantadurga Higher school Pirna welcomed us .

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