

Sells 37,568 cars in the first 8 months of 2022, company’s highest ever in its India journey

ŠKODA AUTO India, after witnessing record-breaking months in sales, a record-breaking quarter and a record-breaking H1 in 2022, has broken yet another sales record. That of selling the largest number of cars ever in its 20+ year legacy in India.

The company sold 4,222cars in August 2022, a 10% rise over the 3,829 cars it sold in August 2021. These cars see ŠKODA AUTO India touch 37,568 total sales for 2022 with more than a quarteryet to go. This makes 2022 the Biggest Year ever for ŠKODA AUTO in India. The previous best by the company was 34,678 units sold in 2012.

Zac Hollis, Brand Director, ŠKODA AUTO India, said, “All of my communication this year has been about making 2022 the Biggest Year. And now, we have done it. This is a landmark moment for ŠKODA AUTO in India, and in the world. The credit to this achievement goes to our teams, our partners, and most importantly to our customers and our fans. It is their trust in our brand that has made this feat possible. Moving ahead, we look forward to more mountains to climb and more horizons to conquer.”

The foundation for this achievement was laid in 2018 with the announcement of INDIA 2.0. At the time, INDIA 2.0 was a path-breaking project that involved all-new Made-for-India products based on Made-for-India platforms and a complete overhaul of ŠKODA AUTO India’s business process including more customer touchpoints and severe reductions in ownership and maintenance costs.

The bulwark of INDIA 2.0 was on the Made-for-India MQB-A0-IN platform with 95% localisation and an ownership cost going as low as Rs 0.46 per kilometre. The KUSHAQ SUV debuting in July 2021 and the SLAVIA sedans introduced in March 2022 are world-first cars developed for India in unison with teams in India and the Czech Republic. The incredible success of these INDIA 2.0 cars is what has driven most of the sales for ŠKODA AUTO India, ablysupported by the OCTAVIA and SUPERB sedans and the KODIAQ SUV.

INDIA 2.0 continueson the customer satisfaction front with ŠKODA AUTO India constantly expanding its number of customer touchpoints across the country. From 175 touchpoints in December 2021, the company counts over 205 touchpoints as of date. ŠKODA AUTO India, in an endeavour to be closer to its customers has set a target of 250 touchpoints by the end of 2022.

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