Will not permit Jetties in Moira: Moira communidade


Will not permit Jetties in Moira: Moira communidade
TYhe moira communidade has taken a decision not to permit any tourism Jetties in Moira.
the Moira Comunidade has also written to the the director of tourism department raising their objection to the tourism, jetty policy in their village. in the letter the president of the communidade Rui D’gama has stated that from time immemorial generation the Goankars are co-owners of the land and there has been no grant of land by the central government nor the goa government in our village
in the letter the moira communidade president has further stated that they will not permit the tourism department to build jetties on the bundhs or bandharas next to the rivers upsetting the fisihing acitivity of the village and also disturbing the peace when tourists flock to the moira village
the communidade has stated that the commundiade owns all Bundh or Bandaras along Rivers in Moira and will not permit any Tourism Jetties, as it will disturb fishing activities of the locals the Managing Committee of Moira Comunidade,has stated in a Resolution passed on 7th October, 22.
” Besides, Tourism activities such kind of jetties will create noise pollution, drug peddling, tourist touts n agents involving in Human Trafficking for prostitution, litter garbage, and also create traffic Jams n Crime, which will risk the life of people and disturb our Culture and Peace. Hence, it is a No to Tourism Jetties in Moira”, the President of Moira Comunidade Rui D’gama further sid
[11/10, 3:43 PM] Denver New: chief minister dr pramod sawant said that the Goa government has signed an agreement with 35 private industries so that the youth can get employment
chief minister was speaking at the inaugral ceremony of the new office of Saligao MLA Kedar Naik at Betim besides chief minister also present were BJP Goa President Sadanand Shet Tanavade and others

“we have formulated a policy to ensure that around 80% of jobs in private industries will be reserved for Goans and we are committed to provide employment to the youth in the tourism sector ” said chief minister

complementing saligao MLA kedar naik chief minister further said that this office will aim to address all the grievances of the people
this is the second office of MLA kedar naik in saligao consituency and this has been set up in reis magos while the earlier one was located at Saligao and all the grievances of the public will be addressed at this office” said chief minister

speaking on the issue of law and order situation chief minister further stated that crimes in the state will not be permitted and the police will deal with an upperhand to crack down on illegalities and crimes happening in the state

chief minister also said that the National Games which were postponed due to the COVID -19 situation will be held in the State next year

chief minister further said that the government is taking collective responsibility to maintain the social fabric by giving all the religious communities enjoy equal rights and freedom in the state .

India is a glorious example of unity in diversity and Goa, is the best example of peaceful coexistence of the various faiths whether it is . Hindus, Christians, Muslims they all share a strong bond of mutual respect and brotherhood, and this government will see to it that there is no division created among any religion ” sawant said.

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