Minister for archives and Archeology Subash Faldessai said that the department of archives and archeology has set aside a budget of around 2.6 crore as face-lift for the chapora fort and the work has been tendered for the restoration of chapora fort


Minister for archives and Archeology Subash Faldessai said that the department of archives and archeology has set aside a budget of around 2.6 crore as face-lift for the chapora fort and the work has been tendered for the restoration of chapora fort

faldessai was speaking to reporters after inspecting the fort along with Siolim MLA Delilah lobo director of archives and archeology Nilesh faldessai and officials from the archives and archeology department

“we have some budget and when we plan the budget we taken into consideration all those sites which are required in this year of restoration and accordingly we have a budget for that, and we have also kept aside budget for the restoration of the chapora fort in place and if we get the support of everyone we will see to it that this historical site will be well maintained with all the facilities ” said faldessai

“We want to preserve this fort and Our efforts will be on to give a real look to this fort and this is very much possible with the efforts of the people said faldessai adding that he We will also take suggestions from public On a positive note, faldessai also acknowledged and praised the efforts put in to maintain the fort

during the inspection the locals from Anjuna also pointed to the minister the temporary stalls located at the entrance of Chapora Fort that need to be demolished as they are adding to the garbage at the site. the locals also raised the issue of the vendors seated inside the fort as well selling lime soda, water and tender coconuts. locals pointed out that the litter dumped by the vendors inside as well as outside the fort creating a serious environmental hazard.

The stall owners have no means of disposing off their waste. The fort is lacking in terms of maintenance and neither is there are not enough garbage disposal bins placed at the site.

“we will not allow any one to destory the beauty of the fort and we will invite the suggestions from the people while rehabilitating the people while being displaced but as of today we need machinery to get this restored” Faldessai said

Siolim MLA Delilah lobo thanked the minister for paying his visit to the fort and added that there was a need to carry out restoration of the fort at the earliest

we had also told the Goa Legislative Assembly that there is a need to restore the fort as there was a tendency of the stones of the fort falling into the sea as they are exclusive stones and they are not availabe now ” said Delilah lobo adding that also the place for parking vehicles has aldready been identified and they are in talks with the communidade

Delilah further said that the vendors will be systematically re-habilitated to another place and the first prefrence will be given to Goans and they will be allocated places after taking the help of the locals” Delilah further said she also promised of providing proper sanitation facilities for the tourists visiting the fort

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