the youth of Sauntavaddo calangute assembled in large numbers on Saturday to protest against an alleged illegal filling of a field for the purpose of a construction activity. The open field has been used as a playground by the local boys for centuries.
the local youth along with calangute Sarpanch sequeira and panch member Filomeena Ferandes visited the spot with police protection to ascertain the situation the local youth demanded with the authorities take immediate action against the perpetrators. After coming to know that this mud filling activity is going on the calangute sarpanch sprung into action and called up the flying squad and also the police but the flying squad officials failed to turn up.
the local youth pointed out that the land in question, which is on the bank of Baga river is a low-lying area and acts as a catchment area at the time of floods and the illegal land filling will also affect the flow of water especially during the rainy season
“so when we came to know about this illegality we asked the ward member about it and she told us that a hotel project is coming up on this land also the owner of the construction project has not taken the local youth into confidence and has gone ahead a put up fencing and a board stating that trespassers will be prosecuted” said a local
this open barren field is used as a playground and the local youth come here every evening to play football so now that the field is going to be filled up for the purpose construction the youth will not have any more place to play football ” said another local Saluzinho Fernades
Sarpanch of calangute Joseph Sequeira said that the he along along with the support of local youth will lodge a complaint with the flying squad, PDA will also meet Chief minister and apprise him about the illegalities happening in calangute village
“I also will be filing a complaint against the person doing this illegal activity and such kind of illegalities will not be tolerated ” Sequeira further stated