reacting to the issue of the Jetty policy for calangute MLA Michael lobo said that jetties for the benefit of the passagers should be constructed


reacting to the issue of the Jetty policy for calangute MLA Michael lobo said that jetties for the benefit of the passagers should be constructed

Lobo was speaking to reporters at the sidelines of the launching of harvesting machines for the farmers of calangute

this is not a new policy this is a very old policy which has come out when dilip parulekar was the minister for tourism and that time also there was a lot of noise created about it

and i dont feel that there should be any opposition and jetties required for passagners should be done and the existing jetties can be strenghtened an given to the locals

speaking further Michael lobo expressed his confidence that the BJP backed candidate from Reis magos will emerge victoriouis and appealed to the chief minister to provide seperate developemntal funds for the ZP
its not only about the rights but it is also about the funds as now even the GSR rates have increased so much that even if sufficient amount is given to the ZP the work of the gutter cannot be completed” said lobo

the ZP members should concerete more on doing developement and providing recreatinal facilties for the children rather than Just concentrating on the works undertaken by the panchayat or MLA or even the minister” Lobo further said

“the chief minsiter and the health minister should also see that the ZP members are given some chance to also develop the infrastructre related to the developement of health centres” said lobo

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