Gram Sabha of Dhargal Gram Panchayat will be held on Sunday 30th August at 10 am in Panchayat hall. Sarpanch Aniket Salgaonkar has informed that villagers should attend this meeting in large numbers.


The Gram Sabha of Dhargal Gram Panchayat will be held on Sunday 30th August at 10 am in Panchayat hall. Sarpanch Aniket Salgaonkar has informed that villagers should attend this meeting in large numbers.

the panchayat in a notice has stated that if any villager wants to propose any resolution in the Gram Sabha, they should first bring it in writing to the Panchayat office by Thursday 27th August. The panchayat has also stated that the reading and approval of the minutes and resolutions of the previous meeting, development work done by the Gram Panchayat so far, taking resolutions for the work to be undertaken under MNREGA scheme, and choosing various established committees, discussing the written application received from the member with regards to development work should come to the panchayat .

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