Quitla residents get sub-health centre



Quitla residents get sub-health centre

PANAJI: Aldona MLA Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira has stressed that citizens need to undergo regular health checkups as a preventive measure.

He was speaking at the inauguration of the Sub-Health Centre and Outpatient Department (OPD) at Quitla on Saturday.

“People had highlighted the need for an OPD at Quitla. I appreciate the newly-posted health officer of Aldona Health Centre Dr Roshan Nazareth for quickly commencing the OPD within 15 days after my request,” he said.

Ferreira also stressed on the need to undertake regular health checkups, including the youth.

“Our lifestyles have changed, even our food habits. Our forefathers used to be healthy and live for long years as they would walk and work in the fields. Let us not go to the doctor or hospital only when there is a problem. Let’s make regular health checkups a habit so that if a problem is detected early, we can address it before it worsens,” he said.

Former Sarpanch & current Panch Member of VP Aldona Shri Subhash Raut stated that he had made a proposal for a sub-health centre at Quitula several years back but nothing had materialised then and was happy that barely within a month, MLA Carlos Ferreira made it a reality.

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