The Village panchayat of Calangute has decided to take action against Shops or Gaddas operating on footpaths, road widening and parking areas within the jurisdiction of the panchayat as it creates nuisance for the public and disturbs the free and smooth movement of traffic.


The Village panchayat of Calangute has decided to take action against Shops or Gaddas operating on footpaths, road widening and parking areas within the jurisdiction of the panchayat as it creates nuisance for the public and disturbs the free and smooth movement of traffic.

the Calangute panchayat has given seven days time to shop owners/gadda operators to stop the business activity in the prohibited areas, sarpanch Joseph sequeira informed that the village panchayat had taken a resolution that it will take strict action against those who are operating businesses on footpath, in road widening and parking area and public property.

“we have directed all shop owners/gadda operators to stop any business activity in road widening area, footpath and public property within a period of seven days, failing which the panchayat will remove the same and the cost incurred thereof will be recovered from the concerned owners,” said Sarpanch Joseph Sequeira,.

All these shops/gaddas had become a nuisance for the public and also disturbed the free and smooth movement of traffic” said sequeira within seven days, the action will be initiated,” he added.

Meanwhile the village Panchayat of Calangute has also decided to take action against Rent-a-bikes occupying the public parking space from Calangute Circle to Calangute Beach,

“if the bikes are in these particular area then the Bikes will be towed without informing the owner” said sequiera .

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