the heaemophilia society goa in association with the Goa medical college organized a patient education program along with an occupational theraphy camp


the heaemophilia society goa in association with the Goa medical college organized a patient education program along with an occupational theraphy camp recentely . Also a blood screening camp for hepatitis B and c a project headed by Dr Ramnath Narvekar (M.D medicine GMC ) Dr Mahadeva swami hermatologist Manipal hospital was the guest speaker, lecturer in occupational therapy GMC dr chetan Guade demonstrated excercises to keep the joints fit and healthy for hemophiliacs and others. Dr vaishali Joshi extended her full support to any pediatrics with hemophilia. A total of 30 patients were present for the camp. Other dignitaries present were Dr sujata Jalmi, Dr Nikita colimao, Dr afra menezes, sister anisha vaigankar and Dr Lorraine D’sa. The event concluded with lunch

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