Officials from the mine and Geology department and captain of ports detained two persons namely Ramgovind Sahani age 50 yrs and Dinanath Sahani age 42 yrs both Residents Uttar Pradesh for carrying out illegal sand extraction in the chapora river.


Officials from the mine and Geology department and captain of ports detained two persons namely Ramgovind Sahani age 50 yrs and Dinanath Sahani age 42 yrs both
Residents Uttar Pradesh for carrying out illegal sand extraction in the chapora river. A Total 08.5m3 extracted sand was found wrs. 11050/-

two persons were carrying out extraction of illegal sand at around 05.00 in the river Chapora at Pirna. Based upon the reliable sources, a joint operation was carried out by the officials of Colvale Police station, Mamalatdar of Bardez Shri. Dasharath Gawas,
officials of department of mines and minerals Panaji and officials of captain of
port Panaji and raid was conducted wherein two persons were found in process
of illegal sand extraction using canoe in river at Pirna. The complaint in above regards was filed by Assistant Geologist of mines and mineral department the Shri. Shyam Sawant, and case was registered at
Colvale Police station against above person for committed theft of sand u/s 379
T/w 34 IPC and for contravention of rule 3,38 with rule 62(1) of the Goa Minor
Minerals concession rule 1985 and both of them were arrested. The seized canoe
and sand were handed over to officials of Captain of port.

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