Saligao police on Thursday arrested one Anwar Hussain, age 26 yrs a resident of Arraraim Succoro but native of , Bihar for Committing theft of cash and 01 mobile phone All WRs 31,500/-
According to police One Mr. Francis X. Andrade of Saligao Bardez Goa lodged his complaint to the effect that on 20.12.2022 between 03.00 hrs to 03.30 hrs at Indian oil Petrol Pump, Saligao unknown accused person effected entry into the complainant’s office of
Indian petrol by break opening the latch of sliding window and committed theft of cash and 1 mobile phone all worth rs 31,500 the mobile phone and cash and During preliminary interrogation the a accused confessed of having committed this crime The accused is suspected to be involved in more theft cases. In this connection Crime No. 42/2022, U/s 457,380 IPC stands registered at Saligao Police Station. The raiding under the guidance of PI Milind Bhuimbar of Saligao PS,
SDPO Porvorim Shri. Vishwesh karpe and SP 👎 Porvorim had made hectic efforts and did a commendable job in detecting the case and also in tracing the accused person involved in this crime.
With meticulous and hectic efforts of PSI Navneet Goltekar, ILPSI Nilam Gawas PC-6119 Vijay Palni, PC-7244 Rahul Angolkar and PC- 5816 Vishant mayekar, developed information and within 24 hrs apprehended accused person. The accused is placed under arrest and As such four (04) days remand is given by Hon’ble court
Saligao police on Thursday arrested one Anwar Hussain, age 26 yrs a resident of Arraraim Succoro but native of , Bihar for Committing theft of cash and 01 mobile phone All WRs 31,500

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