Lions & Leo club of Calangute in association with the village panchayat of Calangute organized an E-waste donation drive. The ‘Dump and Donate’ campaign which involves reaching out to the masses through various schools, institutions, and other mediums aims to create awareness about E-waste and its harmful impact on health and the environment. the drive was inaugrated by deputy sarpanch Geeta Parab in the presence of 2nd vice district Governor PMJF erle britto and others
Claimed to be the largest e-waste collection drive, it has been launched by Lions Club International in partnership with Hindustan E-Waste Management Pvt Ltd and National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA).
During the drive, people will be incentivized to donate their e-waste through emotional campaigns and corporate and school tie-ups. The campaign will be activated across various districts of India and create a national impact in the process of e-waste management.
Out of the gadgets collected, the usable and salvageable ones will be refurbished and donated for community education, while the e-waste that cannot be refurbished will be recycled to extract precious metals.
Under this month-long campaign, the members of Lions Club International, will reach out through various schools, institutions, and other mediums, and create awareness among the masses about e-waste and its harmful impact on health and the environment.
“Keeping social commitment at the forefront, we have uniquely designed this campaign,” said 2nd Vice District Governor PMJF Lion Erle Britto.
HEW will also donate the sum amount equivalent to the e-waste collected to Lions Clubs and offer guidance through the collection drive.
Lions & Leo club of Calangute in association with the village panchayat of Calangute organized an E-waste donation
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