DGP Goa Shri Jaspal Sing lounge new project “ walking the beat “
While following the instructions today SDPO Mapuca jivba Dalvi and Pi Mapuca Paresh Naik with staff walked through city beat of Mapuca .
While doing foot patrolling we notice one person collecting Mutka bets openly from the members of public and immediately action was taken. Said person was raided and cash of rs 1100 and other Mutka gambling articles were attached. FIR vide cr. No 16 / 2023 U /S 11 (2) of GDDPG act Was registered.
SDPO Mapuca informed that “ Walking the beat “ will be regularly carried out in all beats of Mapuca Subdivision. And during this will be booking cases such as Smoking and Spitting, gambling cases , collecting of information of drug cases etc .
DGP Goa Shri Jaspal Sing lounge new project “ walking the beat “

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