Old Goa Police held Fitness Drive promoting Fit India Movement along with other awareness program at Ella, Old Goa, participated by Student, teachers and staff of St Xavier School for Special Children, Agriculture College, sports and cultural organisations
The Old Goa Police are on move to reach all the parts of society with motive of minimum fitness for good health and better life style
Program included Run, Breathing and Yoga Excercise, strengthening viz plank, Dand ( sun salutation)
Awareness program included Drug abuse, cyber crime, Traffic rule awareness, fitness and nutrition
Interactive session with students
Old Goa Police is holding a month long fitness drive in Santa Cruz, merces, chimbel, old Goa, corlim, Karmali, Islands of Divar, St Estev, Vashi, Chodan, Cumbharjua
Ribander etc
Message is being taken for minimum fitness everyday for healthy life
The program is open for everyone and appeal is made to every part of society to participate in this program which is taken up as a part of Fit India Movement initiated by Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modijii and supported by Govt of Goa and Chief Minister of Goa Shri Pramod Sawant