The Goan populace is showing keen interest mostly in visual art forms and also canvas paintings which highlight various social issues conveyed through such media said regional director of DTNBWED ministry of labour and employment Aruna wagh
She was speaking as the chief guest at an art exhibition organized at Moksha art gallery calangute. the exhibition will be held from 27th march to 2nd of april besides Wagh also present were art owner Jerman D,mello artist and director Moksha art Gallery Salvador Fernandes and others several women artists from other states of india depicted their several art forms at the art Gallery at calangute
Most people in Goa are fascinated by the various art forms such as canvas paintings and most of the visual art forms highlighting social issues affecting the state which are conveyed through that kind of a medium” said Aruna wagh
Speaking further Aruna wagh said that women artists are now coming forward and showcasing their various paintings giving them an Impetus to showcase their hidden talents through such exhibitions which
The Goan populace is showing keen interest mostly in visual art forms and also canvas paintings which highlight various social issues conveyed through such media :Aruna wagh

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