four persons were knocked over by a sudden wave which swept over a rocky area along the sea-end of the beach. 


 On Sunday evening, at Keri in North Goa, four persons were knocked over by a sudden wave which swept over a rocky area along the sea-end of the beach.

A large group, comprising 20-22 individuals, were walking towards Arambol sweet lake from Keri beach, when four persons from the group retreated towards the rocky area to take selfies. Despite the presence of ‘No Selfie Zone’ cautionary sign boards suggesting danger, the four individuals ventured towards the rocky area and were hit by a sudden wave that knocked them over into the sea.

The Drishti lifesaver on duty launched an immediate  rescue operation. The lifesaver immediately called for back-up and rushed into the waters to rescue the individuals.  A jet ski was used to search for the missing individuals near the spot where the accident occurred. Two of the four persons, a male and female aged 27 years and 17 years respectively were brought to the shore where a team of lifesavers administered CPR while the state emergency services were also informed.

The lifesaver team continued administering CPR while they rushed the individuals to a waiting ambulance for further examination.  The ambulance proceeded to the nearest health centre.

There were signboards which were placed near the rocky stretch to discourage visitors from taking selfies, due to the occurrence of sudden and rough currents. Drishti’s lifesavers also regularly make announcements to deter people from venturing near the rocky stretch.

Search and rescue operation is underway for the other two people from the group.

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