The ACT’s Goa Conducts its 21″ Convention cum Workshop

The ACT’s Goa Conducts its 21″ Convention cum Workshop
Ponda: The Association of Chemistry Teachers, Goa, (ACT-Goa), organized recently it’s 21 Annual Chemistry Convention in collaboration with and at PES’s RSN College of Arts and Science, Farmagudi, Ponda, The Association is proud to have over 250 Life members who are the Chemistry faculty at the University, College and Higher Secondary Schools all over Goa as well as Scientists and Researchers from the University and Industrial Sector.
The Convention was inaugurated at the hands of Prof. Vikas J. Pissurlekar, Principal of PES’s RSN College, who is also one of the founder members of the Association. Mrs Anuradha Kanolkar, HOD of Chemistry Department and convenor of the Convention welcomed the gathering. The Chief guest in his address stressed upon the need for research and innovation from the Chemistry fraternity to meet the current energy and environmental challenges of the world. He emphasised on the role of students in the development of the country through innovations and techniques in Chemistry.
Two knowledge enriching sessions were organised for the participants. In the first session presented by Prof. Arun M Isloor, Prof and former Head, Department of Chemistry, NIT Suratkal on Membrane Technology, professor highlighted on Reverse osmosis (RO) based desalination technologies for production of fresh water from saline water. He mentioned about synthesis of lonic Polymer Nanoparticles (IPNs) in one pot by quaternization precipitation polymerization (QPP) as a novel polymerization technique and its importance in water purification. Prof. Isloor also presented a video on purification of waste water developed by his research team and also the purification of flood waters for domestic purpose. The talk was very informative. The session was chaired by HAG Senior Professor Santosh Tilve.
The second session was engaged by Dr. Mahesh Majik, Associate Professor, Research Development and Innovations, State Higher Education Council, DHE, on Innovations in teaching Chemistry. Perspectives and future opportunities in line with the NEP 2020″. Putting forth the NEP 2020 to the audience, Dr. Majik categorically explained the difference of current education system and NEP 2020 at three different levels namely Primary, Secondary and Higher Education and its importance, perspectives and challenges. He emphasised on the role of the teacher in the successful implementation of NEP 2020 to the young minds. Highlighting the importance of Blooms Taxonomy in the pedagogy of teaching, he demonstrated a few siniple experiments to stress on ‘Learn By Doing concept. The session was chaired by Dr Vinod Mandrekar, Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Goa University
The General Body meeting of ACT was held later during the day.
At the Valedictory function and Prize distribution ceremony, the President of the ACT
Ms Maria Godinho Dias welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest, Mr. Ritesh Naik,
Secretary of PES’s RSN Managing committee and Chairperson of Ponda Municipal
Council honoured the Chemistry faculty who retired foto serve institutions and felicitated students who topped in Chemistry at the Gnal Red F TYB.Sc and the M.Sc examination 2022-23
The Guest of Honour, Dr. Teotone Vaz, Principal of GVM’s College Panda ve away the prizes to the winners various competitions held by the ACT- year 2023-24 namely The All Goa Inter Higher Secondary, Under graduate and Pue graduate Chemistry Quiz, All Goa Inter HSS Poster Drawing Competition on theme Chemical Technology for the Benefit of Mankind and All Goa imer Collegiate Chemistry 3-D Model making competition on the theme “curion in Chemistry.”
The Secretary Ms Julia Bragança presented a report on activities carried out by the ACT during the year. The Treasurer of the ACT Mr Gauresh Talgaonkar presented the Statement of Accounts. The Vice President, Mr Shashidhar Halarnkar proposed the vote of thanks.

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