Demolition of 22 Illegal Structures Commences in Sangolda amidst opposition from the locals


Demolition of 22 Illegal Structures Commences in Sangolda

Authorities have initiated the demolition of illegal structures in Sangolda amidst tense moments, with heightened police force. This action follows the High Court of Bombay at Goa’s dismissal of a petition on February 6, 2024, filed by owners of the contested houses seeking extensions to delay the demolition.

Despite their request for two hours’ respite being denied, tensions surged between residents and law enforcement.

residents expressed their frustration at the absence of political and official support, lamenting their status as mere pawns in the political game. “We are not vote banks,” remarked one resident. “We earn our livelihood honestly and deserve better treatment. Our houses should have been regularized, but we have received no government assistance.”

“We are not vote banks,” remarked one resident. “We earn our livelihood honestly and deserve better treatment. Our houses should have been regularized, but we have received no government assistance.”

Voices of dissent echoed through the crowd, with residents asserting their demands for ownership agreements and legal recognition of their dwellings. “Only if our houses are legally recognized under our names will we consider voting in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections,” declared a distressed resident.

“Why are they harassing us? Where will we go with our children?” lamented another resident, reflecting the desperation gripping the community”said another  dejected resident


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