resolve the issue of power outages in calangute MLA Michael Lobo tells electricity department officials


Laying of underground power line connecting Pilerne sub station to calangute sub station will resolve the issue of power outages in calangute constituency : MLA Michael Lobo

Calangute:  As the villagers Calangute Candolim have been long suffering due to erratic power supply. There is a need for starting the works of laying of 33 KVA  underground cabeling from the pilerne subs station to calangute which will resolve the issue of power outages said calangute MLA Michael lobo

Lobo was speaking to reporters, after Inspecting  the progress of the work at the new electric substation getting ready in Saligao. The residents had been demanding that the area be brought under saligao sub-station so that their woes lessen.

“The people had expressed their angst over the constant power outages  occurring in calangute constituency and now if this work commences quickly it will help in resolving the issue of power fluctuations” said Lobo

Speaking further lobo said that this work will be possible only though a co-ordinated efforts from the panchayat and their teams will have to assist us which will be a permanent solution to re- solve the issue of power fluctuations for the next twenty years” said lobo

Speaking further Executive Engineer Ramdas Salelkar said that the project will aim to enhance the reliability and capacity of the local power grid, benefiting both the industrial sector and the community.

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