Goan roads require urgent attention before Exposition.


Goan roads require urgent attention before Exposition.

RIBANDAR: The patch of road from Old Goa to Ribandar is in a very pathetic condition and as such daily commuters of 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers have to suffer. Sometimes it is due to skidding of 2-wheelers or sometimes due to freak accidents, or sometimes for no fault of yours as some one comes from back and ram into you. These are not rare cases but everyday affairs.

On Sunday, many press as well as media reporters had been to Divar to attend a special gram sabha meeting on the proposed eco-tourism project, almost every one tasted the bitter experience in their lives of riding their vehicles on the rough, bumpy and on a gravel free black topping road.

The concerned authorities have just dumped the cement mixed with metal on the potholes like craters and left it to dry when there was hue and cry from the residents and daily commuters on the newspapers, dailies, videos and on WhatsApp messages and now there is no rain so these cement heaps are clearly visible and surfaced. Vehicles passing on this patch of road are trying to escape being falling into the trap but while doing this they either hit the pothole or the vehicles passing on their sides during peak hour rush. One cannot describe this kind of roughness as it has become accident prone and death traps.

Even this reporter while riding on his scooter was almost saved from becoming a victim of the road mishap while escaping from the bumpy, rough road right in front of the Crime Branch office located in the Old GMC now converted into PHC.

The patch of road from the house of Mr Sripad Naik, MP and Union MInister has been completely washed out, and potholes have been filled with cement heaps and left to dry without properly spreading or giving shap. Commuters wonder how the minister passes from such a miserably and ill-maintained road.

Some residents stated that this patch of road should be preserved in the Goa Museum for posterity while others maintained that “we have never seen such a road in the last 70 years of his life while a few others stated that “If Irish Rodrigues was there today, he would have lead a protest morcha at PWD office and would have forced or rather compelled the minister to repair it immediately,”.

Roads are not for show. Roads are meant for safe, sound and secure journeys. Without good roads communication becomes impossible for human beings and animals. For a developing country or state or village, there has to be a good network of road communication systems in place. It is a tragedy that neither panchayat nor concerned MLA , MP or the concerned authorities take note of the public sufferings and hardships.

While 2-wheeler riders and 4-wheeler drivers enjoy their drive if the roads are well maintained and well-dressed. Like a well-dressed person is well-respected everywhere and Goa is a tourists patronised state in the globe and now the Exposition is nearing very fast and devouts from throughout the world will visit the world famous Old Goa churches and heritage preserved sites during Exposition of St Xavier and if they happen to click a photograph and publish in their country what image of Goa will they carry?

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