In a literary event held at Raj Bhavan, Dona Paula, Governor Shri. PS Sreedharan Pillai released the Marathi book “Vichar Vimarsha” authored by renowned writer and thinker Prof. Datta B. Naik. The event was attended by distinguished guests, including Secretary to the Governor Shri M.R.M. Rao, IAS, Principal of Vidya Prabodhini College Dr. Bhushan Bhave, and President of ABVP Goa Shri. Vilas Satarkar.
The release of “Vichar Vimarsha” marks a significant milestone in the literary landscape of Goa. Prof. Datta B. Naik’s work is a testament to his profound thoughts and insights, and the book is expected to resonate with readers across the state.
Governor Shri. PS Sreedharan Pillai has been a strong advocate for promoting art, culture, and literature in Goa. His presence at the book release event underscores his commitment to supporting literary endeavors in the state.
The event at Raj Bhavan was a celebration of literature and intellectual discourse, and it highlighted the importance of promoting Marathi language and culture in Goa.