Goa Government Sounds Heatwave Alert: Citizens Urged to Take Precautions”


Goa Government Sounds Heatwave Alert: Citizens Urged to Take Precautions”

Panaji: With temperatures soaring across the state, the Government of Goa has issued a public health advisory, warning citizens of the dangers of heat-related illnesses. The advisory comes as the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts a prolonged heatwave spell in the region.

According to officials, the heatwave is expected to intensify over the next few days, with temperatures likely to touch 40°C in some areas. “We urge citizens to take necessary precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses,” said a senior health official. “It’s essential to stay hydrated, avoid venturing out during peak sun hours, and check on vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and young children.”

The advisory has also warned against the dangers of leaving children, pets, or others in closed parked cars, which can quickly become death traps in the scorching heat.

Citizens are advised to follow these simple tips to stay safe:

– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids

– Avoid moving out between 12-3 pm

– Wear light-colored, loose cotton clothes and use umbrellas or head coverings

– Check on vulnerable individuals regularly

– Avoid consuming tea, coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks

By taking these precautions, citizens can minimize their risk of heat-related illnesses and stay safe during the heatwave.

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