Lobo Demands English as Compulsory Medium in Goa’s Primary Schools, Stresses Importance of Konkani and Marathi”


Lobo Demands English as Compulsory Medium in Goa’s Primary Schools, Stresses Importance of Konkani and Marathi”

Calangute, Goa – March 12, 2025: In a poignant ceremony, Calangute MLA Shri Michael Lobo led a gathering of local dignitaries, party workers, and citizens in paying rich floral tributes to the late Shri Dayanand “Bhausaheb” Bandodkar, Goa’s first Chief Minister, on his 114th birth anniversary at Calangute beach.
The event, organized by the Dayanand Bandodkar committee, was marked by an outpouring of emotions as the gathering remembered Bhausaheb Bandodkar’s vision, leadership, and contributions to Goa’s development.
Michael Lobo, while paying his respects, praised Bhausaheb Bandodkar’s tireless efforts in shaping modern Goa. “Bhausaheb’s legacy is a beacon of inspiration for us, and we must strive to carry forward his vision for a prosperous and vibrant Goa,” Lobo said.
Lobo also emphasized the importance of education in carrying forward Bhausaheb’s legacy. “To fulfill Bhausaheb’s dreams for Goa, we must focus on providing quality education to our children. That’s why I demand that English medium be made compulsory in all primary schools across Goa,” he added. Additionally, he stressed that Konkani and Marathi should also be taught in schools ¹.
Sarpanch Joseph Sequeira, who was also present at the event, said, “Bhausaheb Bandodkar was a true pioneer who worked selflessly for the betterment of Goa. His birthday is a reminder of our responsibility to fulfill his dreams for our state.”
As the state celebrates the birth anniversary of its first Chief Minister, the event at Calangute beach served as a poignant reminder of Bhausaheb Bandodkar’s enduring legacy and his impact on Goa’s history.

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